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Women's Giving Circle

The Need

When we support the health and well-being of women and children in our community, we're not just making a difference for them. We're building a stronger, healthier, and more caring community for us all.

And here's the best part: when women come together, amazing things happen. We're natural caregivers and nurturers, but we're also incredible leaders and advocates for change. Together, we can drive positive, lasting impact in our community.

The WGCCC Scorecard is updated biannually with data on the original areas of Basic Needs and adding new indicators if necessary as the Women’s Giving Circle selects its direction for grant making. It is our hope that this Scorecard will become a valuable tool not only for our members but also for the community, helping to focus our collective efforts on improving the lives of women and children in Cumberland County.

You can download the most recent report here.

Key Statistics Include:

1 in 6 people experience hunger in Southeast North Carolina. 1 in 4 of these are children.

• 42.9% of single mothers in Cumberland County live in poverty.

• The number of available childcare centers and homes has decreased by more than 44% since 2005.

• Cumberland County ranks 52 out of 100 NC Counties for Overall Health.

• 38% of adults in Cumberland County are considered obese.

• Data for 2021-2022 show there were 5,886 children in Cumberland County with investigations of abuse or neglect. Cumberland County’s rate per 1,000 children of investigated reports of child abuse & neglect is consistently higher than the state rate.

• Many Cumberland County foster children must be placed out of county. In 2022, Cumberland County had only 51 foster families.

The need is urgent! As WGCCC members, we are called to make a difference. Our grants to the local nonprofit organizations over the past 15 years are making a difference. We invite you to consider joining us in this ongoing effort.